Mental Health, Mental Illness, on Block Island

advocating for services and support for those who are ill and education for mental health to all on Block Island

What drugs and alcohol do

This page is about giving information, some of which can also be found via “other links“. We want you to be able to find the best information known from research, about the effects of alcohol and drugs. They are dangerous. So is mountain climbing. To know the danger is not scaremongering, you are asked to look at the information and think about it. No-one wants you to learn to swallow propaganda, bias or prejudice, any more than we want to see you swallow loads of alcohol.

Check it out – alcohol helps you THINK CLEARLY about NOTHING (video on effects on the brain here)

marijuana [cannabis] helps you STOP THINKING – Question: is it really relaxing to lose your experience of the wide world? (video here)

An article on the link between cannabis use and psychosis. I wish it showed more of the effects of psychosis as even when a person recovers, as many do, much of life’s potential has gone and does not come back.

Good information can be found on The Rhode Island Prevention Resource Center. Numerous downloads can be filtered by topic. For example statistics, alcohol, drugs.

Here are a couple of them: National Institute on Drug Abuse Facts for Teens – the facts on how specific drugs affect the brain and body [from steroids to prescriptions to all sorts of others, legal and illegal] . A Drug Guide for Parents – street names, what they look like, what they do.

More information from National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism This is very ‘dry’ but no joke for those who suffer not being dry enough.

What is Addiction? We know it is a chemical effect in the brain – or do we? More about the research on the effects of social inclusion/exclusion and context here.

A study published in the journal Hippocampus reveals that abnormalities in the brain and problems with memory manifest in the early 20s for pot-smoking teens roughly two years after quitting.

Please comment and send links you have found useful for offering accurate up-to-date knowledge.

This is not an opinion page, nor a personal story page. That is very welcome elsewhere on this site.

2 thoughts on “What drugs and alcohol do

  1. important resources for us to know and share. thank you


  2. I hope so – if even one person sees it is worthwhile


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